
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Get out

Get out

As I’m writing this, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was staging some kind of junior-varsity filibuster on the House floor. The old girl is apparently making a stand against the “GOP’S LACK OF HUMANITY” regarding those poor victims of President Donald Trump and his evil Republican cabal’s racism: illegal aliens. At least, I think that’s what put the burr under her saddle. Right now she’s actually explaining how the art work on a dollar bill used to give her the willies. Considering the number of dollars she has accumulated over the years, I’m guessing she got over it.
While Madame Nancy keeps rambling on about her childhood fears, she’s most decidedly not addressing the real core of the immigration debate. Her rhetoric, when it isn’t focused on weird childhood allegories, will cover the tragic circumstances of so many who are here illegally. She’ll paint them as desperate “Dreamers;” the wretched masses, yearning to breathe free. She will not paint them as recidivist predators, raping, robbing and murdering their way through multiple deportations. She’ll conflate legal immigrants with illegal immigrants. She will not acknowledge the glaring difference between them.
But I will. When Pelosi and the pro-amnesty crowd lump together every Tomas, Ricardo and Jorge, it makes a mockery of the efforts made by those who chose not to flout the law. It endangers the potential victims of every MS13-type thug who has slithered north of the Rio Grande; as often as not, they’re the legal immigrants amidst whom such vampires hide and feed. It’s also racist as hell, but that’s not exactly unfamiliar territory for the Democrats, for whom the “soft bigotry of low expectations” has become the foundation of their existence.
Legal immigrants respect the system for which they have come to play a part. Illegal aliens abuse the system which they have come to tear apart. One group waited in line for a chance to build their American dream. The other skipped the line and are busy creating an American nightmare. Legal immigrants are welcomed house guests, even prospective housemates. Illegal immigrants are squatters.
Imagine you failed to discover someone hiding in your house before the expiration of an arbitrary amount of time. According to Pelosi and her ilk, they should get to stay. And if they brought their kids, they should get to stay, too. Not for nothing, Nancy, but if I catch you squatting in my house, I don’t care how long you’ve been hiding, you’re gone. And you’re taking your brats with you.

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