
Sunday, March 4, 2018

OPEC Drafts Agreement to Bring In Russia

Byb Bob Livingston February 2018

"Russia Is Taking Over Syria's Oil And Gas" was the headline from last week.
This week's headline is "OPEC Drafts Agreement to Bring In Russia."
I wouldn't be surprised if you hadn’t heard either of these developments. Why would you have? The media have no reason to alert you to this reality inasmuch as it's not their job to report reality. It is only their job to scream about wars for oil when they want to stir up left-right conflict by complaining that it's a Republican president doing the oil warring — as if George W. Bush was the only one.
His father, President George H.W. Bush, began the drive to perpetual war on behalf of Saudi Arabia, Israel and the U.S. petrodollar and at the behest of his globalist masters. The son only continued the assault. Trump seems to be following suit with his accusations against Iran. Never mind that all you're being told about Iran's designs and nuclear capabilities are lies, as I noted here some time ago. 
President Barack Obama dutifully followed suit during his tenure as well, attempting to perpetrate all-out war with Syria. Until something happened on the way to the war forum. Vladimir Putin stole the show and now the oil. And we see why Russia was involved. Putin has either learned from the petrodollar elitists or is doing their bidding as well. puts it succinctly: "the main international aspect and the key piece of this move is the final and unconditional consolidation of Russian interests in the Middle East." Russia will have to rebuild the Syrian oil infrastructure. Iran could also have done this, but lacks the money. It can't print endless petrodollars. But Russia can print petro-rubles. And neither state cares about U.S. "sanctions."
Recall that General Wesley Clark told of a 1991 meeting he had with then-Undersecretary for Defense Paul Wolfowitz who told him Operation Desert Storm had shown military brass that the United States could make war on anyone it pleased and that it was time clean up the old Soviet Mideast client states — including Syria and Iran — before another superpower came along. Wolfowitz said it would happen within 10 years.
That ambitious goal was missed, but the plan to destroy the Mideast continued apace. The perpetual war had two dominoes still to knock down. It looks like Russia has collected those dominoes.
That ambitious goal was missed, but the plan to destroy the Mideast continued apace. The perpetual war — the globalist's and the New World Order — had two dominoes still to knock down. It looks like Russia has collected those dominoes and is using them on its side of the world's gameboard.
The United States used its air power and al-Qaida to topple Libya's Moammar Gadhafi. The assault on Libya was a shot across the bow of both Iran and Syria. "Play with us or feel our wrath." NATO wanted to be the new police force and rule the Mediterranean. Make no mistake, it's all part of the plan for the New World Order, and the elites still have their designs on Iran's oil fields.
Will the oil grab succeed?
Will Russia protect Iran from the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command's terrorists? The mainstream media give the impression that events in the Mideast are building on their own, and the United States is just responding to them. Just as when U.S. troops had been sent to the Jordan-Syria border in the event that violence there "escalates."
The truth is the elites manipulate events there and have been for some time. Beginning with the Bushes in Iraq, continued by the President Barack Obama regime in Syria, and perhaps furthered by the Trump administration in Iran.
The road to Iran leads through Syria. Turkey worked hard to get into a shooting war with Syria to form a pretext for invasion. Now we know why Russia vetoed the idea of any action in Syria at the United Nations. Moscow was going for the black gold.
Now, the road to Iran and Syria might lead through Moscow. Which is what the elitist power-mongers want.
Yes, on behalf of the elites and their banksters, the Obama administration tweaked Russia's nose over Ukraine for more than a year, after the duly elected president, pro-Russia Viktor Yanukovych, rejected the International Monetary Fund's demands to raise taxes and devalue the currency in order to cover its loans. What did the Russian Bear do? Annexed the entire region of Crimea right out from under Ukraine's nose.
But was all the conflict a ruse? In my experience, everything boils down to following the money. And if we follow that line of thinking, knowing that the powers that be crave petro-dollars and power regardless of anything that happens beneath them, bringing Russia into the petro-dollar accomplishes quite a lot. It helps keep prices higher because they will be able to control "supply" better. They do not so this through production cuts, by the way. No one wants to cut production and stop the flow of money. They do it by manufacturing conflict that is then reported in the news which raises the speculative commodity price of oil.
This is the reason to own gold and hard assets. Their prices rise too. Russia's and America's economies — and most of the world's — are bubble economies created with pure fiat or petro-fiat currency. Wars are used by the elites to cover currency collapse and generate wealth. That's why Washington is picking fights with oil-producing nations.
If war comes, the banksters — as always — will seek to profit leaving everyone else unprotected, unless you are prepared.

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