Thursday, April 5, 2018

Bolton to fire Obama holdovers

John Bolton reportedly set to fire dozens of White House officials amid leaking problem

John Bolton at a summit in 2015.
On Thursday, President Trump announced that Bolton would replace H.R. McMaster as head of the National Security Council.
Incoming national security adviser John Bolton is reportedly poised to remove dozens of White House officials when he starts his new job early next month.
Among those who will get the boot will be Obama administration holdovers and anyone who isn't loyal to President Trump, sources told Foreign Policy.
“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official was quoted as saying.

Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under former President George W. Bush, hinted in follow-up interviews Thursday on Fox News and Fox Business that he would be a strong force to solve the White House's lingering issue with leaks, particularly those of a national security nature.
On Thursday, Trump announced that Bolton would replace H.R. McMaster as head of the National Security Council -- a move that would be effective on April 9.
"It's not for them to put in jeopardy the other 300 plus million American citizens just because they think their morality is better than everybody else's," Bolton said of the leakers on Fox Business.
The issue is so prevalent, the New York Times reported Friday that Trump himself has told Bolton that he needs to plug up the leaks.
McMaster's exit followed a recent high-profile leak where briefing materials for a phone call between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin from Trump’s national security advisers were leaked.

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