
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Our colleges are breeding grounds for Socialists who will take our guns

America Cannot Remain Free Unless Her Citizens Are Governed by Virtue

Don't miss comments by JK, below, after article.

Wayne LaPierre:  

“Our colleges are breeding grounds for Socialists who will take our guns,” 

American Rifleman, & Shooting Illustrated, April 2018

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Dear friends and patriots,

Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice president of the National Rifle Association, is not just engaging in a rant against socialism.  The dangers which he warns about are real, not imaginary.  The indoctrination of our young people in progressive-dominated colleges and universities is happening every day in our country, and represents nothing less than an existential clear and present danger to our freedoms and our very way of life as Americans.

Let me take this one step further:  What exactly do we plan to do about this?

This problem did not happen overnight, and it will not be neutralized overnight.  A prolonged and determined effort on our part is necessary to counteract the anti-American propaganda which is manipulating our youth and converting their fertile minds into those of young socialists.

We must spend more time with our young people from the earliest ages, making sure that they have a fundamental and sound knowledge of American history and principles.  But that is only a starting point.  Next we need to put that knowledge to the test and into action.  Get your young people involved in patriotic activities.  Teach them about the outdoors, hunting, and fishing.  Help them learn to be independent critical thinkers.  And last, but not least, be sure that the quality and character of their friends measures up to the investment you are pouring into their development.

The future of America depends upon the actions we take today.  This is a battle we cannot afford to lose.


James Michael Francis Komaniecki, P.E.
Life Member, National Rifle Association (NRA)
President, CEO, Inc.

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