
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

FBI and DOJ Want to Protect the Mueller Investigation

Steve Balich Editor Note:
If a regular citizen who is not above the law did any of the things that have already came out, that citizen would be in jail. The DeepState, FBI, NSA, DOJ, and others are making everyday citizens aware that there is 2 tiers in our legal system, and we citizens are at the bottom. America is being shaken by its foundation as the DeepState tries to remove president Trump and protect Criminals who are supposed to be defending the Constitution according to their Oath. Hillary Clinton above the law is the best example of the DeepState protecting its own.

The Muller Investigation should be called off by Jeff Sessions, but he may fear for his life or that of his family, making him inept. Sessions may be a part of the DeepState, and be doing his part in protecting everyone concerned. Sessions may be just indecisive when it comes to going after the truth when he knows it will hurt those he works with in the DeepState. 

The 4th of July we celebrate our Declaration of Independence from the Tyranny of England. The Founder are looking down at the current conditions in the Country they gave everything to create with the our Constitution. They see the power of the States eroded to almost nothing, they see individual freedoms overseen by more and more laws and regulations, they see statues coming down because some group is offended, they see the feelings of a tiny few overpower the rights of the vast majority, they see an attempt to have a coup against an elected President by those who are supposed to protect him, and they see a society that has many giving into secularism leaving God. Some Democrats view being a Christian as being a problem.

We the people must understand the Media, and the Socialist part of the Democrat Party are the root of the problem. We can win by voting, and understanding the dog and pony show put on television is just that and does not reflect what the vast majority of people think.

Tom Fitton: FBI and DOJ Want to Protect the Mueller Investigation 

On July 1, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Fox and Friends” on the Fox News Channel to discuss Rep. Nunes’ call for testimony from 17 FBI, DOJ officials on government surveillance abuse. 

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