Monday, August 6, 2018

The single most preventable risk factor for dementia

The single most preventable
risk factor for dementia

By Bob Livingston
It's no surprise that the economy is the greatest concern to millennials.
One of my closest friends has been suffering from dementia symptoms for over five years now. I've watched his life change completely.

Before his condition began stealing his memory and personality bit by bit, he and his wife had an amazing life. They were more active and social than some folks half their age, traveling to exotic places and hosting parties. Now that’s all changed.

Though for some there is a genetic predisposition to the various brain diseases we know of, the majority of dementia victims have no family history of memory loss, nor do I. That's why I do everything in my power to protect my brain. You just never know.

I help keep my brain young by avoiding drinking alcohol. Moderate alcohol consumption is touted as heart-healthy by orthodox medicine and many alternative doctors, but alcohol consumption is the most important and preventable risk factor for dementia.

Researchers delved into 57,000 cases of early-onset dementia, which begins before the age of 65.

They looked specifically at the effect of alcohol use disorders and included people who had been diagnosed with mental and behavioral disorders or chronic diseases that were attributable to the chronic, harmful use of alcohol.

Of those 57,000 cases of early-onset dementia, the majority (57 percent) were related to chronic heavy drinking.

So if chronic, heavy drinking is behind the majority of early-onset dementia cases, how do you know if you're at risk?

Chronic, heavy drinking is consuming more than 60 grams pure alcohol on average per day for men (4-5 drinks) and 40 grams (about 3 drinks) per day for women.

If you're at, or even near, that level of alcohol consumption on a regular basis, it's time to cut back.

Alcohol use disorders shorten life expectancy by more than 20 years, and dementia is one of the leading causes of these deaths.

Reducing or eliminating alcohol from your daily life is a good first step to combating your dementia risk.

Besides cutting back on alcohol, other steps to take include:

#1 Get regular exercise — This one can't be stressed enough since regular physical activity can lower your dementia risk by as much as 50 percent.

#2 Avoid "diabetes of the brain" — There is a possible link between metabolic disorders and the health of your brain's signaling systems. A good diet to follow is the MIND diet, which is short for Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It's a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets — diets that have been found to reduce the risk of heart problems. And, it's been shown to help maintain a healthy brain. Eat more fish, nuts, leafy vegetables, healthy oils and whole grains (not sugary breads).

#3 Take brain-boosting supplements — PQQ is little-known nutrient that supports healthy cellular aging by boosting the health of your cells' "energy generators" — in other words, your mitochondria. The brains of some dementia patients have been shown to have defective mitochondria.

Once you've boosted the number and health of your mitochondria, it's time to power them up. To do this, you need CoQ10. CoQ10 gives your mitochondria the energy they need to run every organ in your body optimally, including your brain.

I get my PQQ and CoQ10 in Peak Longevity Platinum.

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