
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Ives Calls on Legislators to Reject Political Pork Spending Hidden in New State Budget

For Immediate Release
Ives Calls on Legislators to Reject Political Pork Spending Hidden in New State Budget
September 12, 2018 – State Representative Jeanne Ives, R-Wheaton, released the following statement today in response to millions of dollars in legislative initiative “pork” spending reportedly contained in the FY 19 state budget:

“The Governor’s Office of Management and Budget acknowledged in August that the new state budget is unbalanced by a staggering $1.2 Billion. Now it is coming to light that untold millions of dollars in spending was hidden in the new state budget for legislators in both parties to designate for pork projects in their districts. I refuse to participate in this initiative and am calling on my colleagues, Democrat and Republican, to do likewise. Illinois taxpayers deserve to know where every dollar in the budget is being spent. Not one penny should be spent on pork.”

The FY 19 state budget was approved by the Illinois House of Representatives on May 31 by a vote of 97-18. Representative Ives was among those who voted 'No.'

For more information contact Kathleen Murphy at 630-329-4680

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