Thursday, September 20, 2018

Politics is a cult

By Bob Livingston

Modern politics and the political process is a perpetual psychic system for creating an ongoing hallucinatory mentality for the mass mind. It is psychic persuasion that coerces the people individually and collectively to imagine political and economic freedom.
On the national level, politics is the art of pacifying the workers and producers of wealth while creating a false dichotomy of political conflict. The political process capitalizes on our degree of mental specialization, which has caused our thinking processes to be narrowly prescribed.

We are trained from early on to focus on our occupation and specialty. From the beginning we are unconsciously channeled into a mental straightjacket. Few men and women engage their mental processes in introspection. They have no contemplation of their own thoughts, feelings and sensations. They do not engage their minds in self-examination. They do not question external influences upon their minds because they are unaware that they exist. They do not question the sources and reasons for their political persuasion because they are unaware that they exist. The majority is systematized into a learned process that has killed all imperative to inquire into the nature of things.
The baffling thing is that discriminating people seem to come from various levels of mental abilities and initiatives. We cannot seem to index people according to I.Q. Some people have introspection, logic and reason. They inquire into relationships. Education does not promote these mental attributes. They seem to be innate or expressed as biochemical individuality. It seems to be a sixth-sense syndrome.
Human nature responds to authority. Human nature does not question authority. In other words, it is more natural to the human species to respond to authority than not to respond to authority. Authority can be political, medical, economic or social. We are intellectually lazy. It is easier to follow the crowd with conditioned responses. It is far easier to be dependent than to be independent. Everything in our culture is created for us, even our mental processes.
In his book, The Crowd, Gustave LeBon writes:
"The majority of men, especially among the masses, do not possess clear and reasoned ideas on any subject whatever outside their specialty… We are overwhelmingly supplied by the mainstream media electronic media and "by the periodical publications which manufacture opinions for their readers and sup…
I would take issue with Monsieur LeBon on the fact about the source of the illusions of the crowd. They are not forged by the crowd but by the dogma implanted in the minds of crowds. Our thought processes are not our own. They are supplied to us. We are only the "hard drive." We respond exactly according to our programming, except those few of our readers who still have the mental capacity for introspection and discrimination. Congratulate yourself for not being a part of the automatic response society. An inquiring mind is symptomatic of intellectual freedom. Few have it.
Now, shouldn’t we give these words practical application as to our current political situation? Separate your thinking for a moment from the mass mind.
Look at the last week’s lionization of Senator John McCain. All of the former presidents and most of the political establishment were on hand for the political theater. One would think McCain was George Washington or Thomas Jefferson rather than a lifetime political hack, member of the Keating Five, godfather of the Muslim Brotherhood, ally to al-Qaida terrorists, supporter of the slaughter of innocent women and children in the Middle East and puppet of the globalists who work behind the scenes to destroy our liberty and steal our wealth.
Politicians and media who previously accused McCain of fathering an illegitimate child with a black woman, spreading rumors that his second wife, Cindy, was addicted to pain-killers, that McCain was unstable due to his time as prisoner of war and visited prostitutes (George W. Bush campaign); that claimed he was having an affair with a lobbyist (The New York Times); that cast him as the kin of the evil ruler in Star Wars (The Atlantic); and who likened him Hitler and Stalin (Hollyweird and DailyKos); and a racist (Democrat politicians); sang his praises as if he were a great statesman and patriot.
Here’s an experiment for you. Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper. On one side put Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. On the other put George W. Bush and John McCain. Forget, if you can, personalities and physical appearances. List the differences of each. Have you discovered that their differences have become their similarities? Are they not politically the same? Whence came these manufactured politicos?
For public consumption on the campaign trail they appear to be mortal enemies. Then all gather together outside of "politics" and they’re all in the same club, glad-handing and hugging one another like family.
During his eulogy of McCain, Obama opined that "when all was said and done, we were on the same team. We never doubted we were on the same team."
There is their team: the elites. Then there is our team: the exploited. Their goals and values are far different from ours, and never the twain shall meet.
The definition of a cult is "great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work," and "a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion." Politics is a cult.

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