Monday, October 1, 2018

Another high-tech lynching

By Bob Livingston

Those of you older readers will remember when Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan in 1991. Obviously not much has changed.
At the 11th hour, after the confirmation hearing had closed and the Senate was preparing to vote to confirm Thomas, allegations of sexual harassment by Anita Hill, a former subordinate to Thomas at the Department of Education and then the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, were leaked to the media. The allegations threatened to derail Thomas' nomination at the last minute.

The hearing was reopened and Hill, a black woman, testified that Thomas had subjected her to comments of a sexual nature, which she felt constituted sexual harassment or at least — as she described it — "behavior that is unbefitting an individual who will be a member of the Court" (Wikipedia). Hill's testimony was riveting and salacious, making it must-watched television at the time.
Thomas denied the allegations. In opening remarks after Hill's testimony, Thomas said:
This is not an opportunity to talk about difficult matters privately or in a closed environment. This is a circus. It's a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, t…
Thomas was grilled by sanctimonious Democrats, led by the "Lion of the Senate," Ted Kennedy. Kennedy was a well-known philanderer/adulterer who also murdered Mary Jo Kopechne by driving his car into Poucha Pond and leaving her there to drown and neglecting to report the incident until the next day.
Despite openly continuing his adulterous lifestyle — once even being involved in creating a "waitress sandwich" along with other alcohol-fueled debauchery in a Capitol Hill restaurant in 1985 with fellow Democrat Senator Chris Dodd — Kennedy was considered by both the left and much of the establishment right as a venerated and respected lawmaker. He was allowed to hypocritically judge Thomas as unworthy of a Supreme Court nomination. Thomas was later confirmed by a vote of 52-48.
This week the Democrats dusted off their old playbook and leaked an 11th hour bombshell on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination. After sitting for weeks on an allegation that at age 17 a drunken Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault a 15-year-old girl at a house party, Senator Dianne Feinstein let the story "leak" then turned it over to the Department of Just(Us), even though no federal crime had been alleged.
The woman was subsequently outed as Christine Blasey Ford, a  California college psychology professor with a history of leftwing political activism (anti-Donald Trump), donations to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, a likely grudge because Kavanaugh's mother adjudicated a foreclosure on Ford's parents' home, and a brother with ties through his investment business with Fusion GPS — the Democrat opposition research firm behind the phony Trump-Russia dossier on which the Robert Mueller Russia collusion investigation is based.
The political left and their talking sock puppets in the mainstream media would have you to believe this brouhaha is an important and necessary defense of women and a stand against unwelcome advances common in the American patriarchy in which women have few if any rights.
This, of course, is nonsense. The progressives and communists in government and the media don't care one whit for Ford and whether she was or was not groped by Kavanaugh — or anyone else — 30-some years ago. She will be cast aside like yesterday's dirty underwear once the Kavanaugh hearings are over.
If she suffers psychological trauma from the experience, she's just more collateral damage to the progressive left.
This fight is over the progressives' efforts to ensure their "right" to murder babies in the womb continues unfettered. They will stop at nothing to defend it because it has become a religion to them.
Infant murder began under the altruistic sounding words "planned parenthood." As always in such chicanery, these words are totally misleading. But they have worked their charm on lukewarm churchgoing Americans. Not 1 in 10,000, when they hear the words "planned parenthood," thinks of child murder.
The terms "women's health" and "planned parenthood" are conventional wisdom control phrases. Women's health provides cover for abortion, and abortion is simply a cover word for murder. Murder becomes acceptable to the masses if it can be made to appear benevolent and passed off as "healthcare" or "choice."
It wasn't so long ago that there was a terrible stigma placed on abortion, and it was done mostly in secret and only in extreme circumstances. Then it evolved into public policy, was sanctioned by a court of Satanists and became in most minds no more serious a procedure than dentistry.
Baby killing (abortion) is a ravenous and highly profitable industry backed by all kinds of monstrous justification. The abortionistas and their defenders and proponents lament that the baby may be "defective" or born to poor or abusive parents, or it won't be properly cared for or properly educated (feeble-minded) and would, therefore, be a "drain on society" or possibly produce more progeny that would likewise be feeble-minded, so it would be "better off" if were sucked out of the womb and chopped up and bartered for Lamborghinis.
Kavanaugh has stated that he sees Roe v. Wade as settled law; an indication that he would not vote to overturn that egregious bit of judicial activism. But that's not good enough for the party of baby murder and their funders.
The Democrats' aim in this latest high-tech lynching is to derail Kavanaugh's nomination with the hope that they can win a Senate majority in the midterm election and force Trump to place a pro-baby murder justice on the court to ensure they can continue the despicable practice for another generation.

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