Wednesday, August 1, 2018

"Medicare for All" massive scheme transferring wealth from producers to government parasites.

Sreve Balich Editors Note:  The media is pushing socialism and any issue that helps destroy traditional American Culture, Morality, and Values. They along with their Social Democrat partners only talk about free is good but never say where the money from free is coming from.

We need to all vote and bring a friend in an effort to keep our State, County, and Local Government from the wickedness and snares of the Socialist Democrats. 

By Bob  Livingston

The latest buzzword from the political left is "Medicare for All." Medicare for All is the new name for single payer health insurance, which was the new name for socialized medicine. It's Obamacare on steroids.
Medicare for All is being championed by socialist/communist politicians like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and the wunderkind from New York, self-avowed democratic socialist nominee for the House of Representatives from New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Under the plan proposed by Sanders, Medicare eligibility would expand over four years to transfer everyone slowly over to government-run health insurance. In the first year, people aged 55 and older, as well as those younger than 18 would become eligible for Medicare. The second year, eligibility would extend to people older than 45, and then to people older than 35 in year three. By year four, everyone would be eligible for Medicare.
The idea of something for "free" is always attractive to unthinking people who do not realize there is no free lunch. And politicians love to sell the idea of something for "free" when they're trolling for votes. As such, since Sanders introduced his plan the leading lights in the Democrat Party — and those most suspected of angling for the Democrat nomination in 2020 — have signed on. They include Democrat Senators Elizabeth Warren, Brian Schatz, Kirsten Gillibrand, Corey Booker, Mazie Hirono, Kamala Harris, Edward Markey, Jeff Merkley, Tammy Baldwin, Sheldon Whitehouse and Richard Blumenthal.
A study funded by the quasi-Libertarian Koch brothers and conducted by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University found the plan would increase government spending on healthcare by $32.6 trillion over 10 years. It is therefore unsustainable without massive money printing by the government. This is just another massive scheme to transfer wealth from the producers to government parasites.
Several states have discovered that universal health insurance by government is a fiscal impossibility. Vermont, a wealthy state with the second-lowest uninsured rate in the country found that even with the federal infusion of Obamacare subsidies to the state, payroll taxes would have to be increased by 11.5 percent and individual income tax rates would have to increase by 9 percent. This led Governor Peter Shumlin, who campaigned on the plan and signed it into law, to ultimately scrap it because it was "unwise and untenable."
Voters in Colorado rejected a plan for a statewide single payer government insurance program because the proponents' admittedly low-ball figure would require a tripling — at least -- of the state's income tax rates.
But beyond its cost, Medicare for All is a trap designed to force Americans into a socialized system of "medicine" with limited choices and limited resources that benefits only the medical industrial establishment. And that means getting rid of the elderly and infirmed before they become drains on the system.
In Great Britain, which has had government-run healthcare for years, the Supreme Court just ruled that patients can be starved to death without consent or even without a court order. In other words, when the medical system and the patient's family agree that a person's quality of life has deteriorated and there is little hope for recovery, that person can be euthanized by starvation/dehydration.
This would effectively end prolonged court fights over the state's efforts to murder people, as we saw over two recent cases where the state sought to murder two children, Charlie Guard and Alfie Evans.
In Sweden, Minister of Social Affairs Annika Strandhäll recently told the newspaper Aftonbladet that the country's elderly are overloading the country's healthcare system. Responding to claims that the healthcare system — which is seeing such a backlog that patients are waiting so long for surgeries that they "literally start to rot" — was overwhelmed by unchecked immigration, Strandhäll said, "That's not true, that's not true! We have a rapidly aging population in Sweden. Life expectancy increases by 3.5 hours a day and we have a larger number of chroniclers with life-long relationships with healthcare today than 30 years ago.
According to Strandhäll, "the number of people aged 70 years and older will increase by 300,000 by 2025. That is the big problem."
When the government is in charge of your healthcare, the government decides what treatments you have or can't have. This is the end of medical freedom. If government is controlling the money, government will decide the treatment modalities that are "approved" and, therefore, allowed. And when you become a nonproducing drain on the system you must be removed "in the public interest" and "for the good of society."
Nonproductive consumers are defined as all retired people, all terminally ill, all unborn children — which through "prenatal diagnostic techniques" can be shown to have fatal metabolic disorders — and all who have been in accidents leaving them nonproductive consuming dependents.
Dr. Benjamin Rush was a Founding Father who signed the Declaration of Independence, served as Surgeon General in the Continental Army and attended the Continental Congress. He predicted:
Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical fre…
We are almost there now under Obamacare.
But just as the state can deny you certain procedures when it controls healthcare, it can also mandate them.
This week, results of an experiment conducted by scientists at the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health and Security in Baltimore, Maryland, were released. Using computer models, researchers determined that a pandemic from an as-yet discovered flu-like virus could wipe out nearly 1 billion people if it started tomorrow. This is because, researchers said, the vaccine regime could not produce enough vaccines to stem the contagion.
The message behind this bit of Big Pharma propaganda was that more money needed to be spent to increase the capacity of the world health system to formulate, manufacture and distribute vaccines.
There is already a move afoot for the federal government to mandate the vaccine schedule currently approved — and necessary for children to attend government schools and universities — for children. When government controls healthcare then vaccines will be required.
Population control lies at the heart of socialized medicine and forced vaccination is step one in population control. Vaccines introduce foreign agents into the body that gestate for years before their deleterious effects show up, separating cause and effect. The people are none the wiser. Abortion and euthanasia are step two, and they are needed to eliminate the nonproducers from society.
People ask how such a thing can happen. It stems from a death cult that does not value life — or, at least, certain life. The elites believe all people are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Dying under the pretense of sickness care is more benevolent than dying by a firing squad. Sickness care under all pretenses is benevolent. It is not possible for many Americans to identify sickness care with death.
Firing squads and death chambers cost the system money. On the other hand, imagine how much the medical system stands to profit from "sickness care" in America.

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