Saturday, January 27, 2018

Democracy is an organized system of political, moral and social control

Steve Balich Editors Note: This article has some very good points, but is using the word Democracy instead of government policy. Most Democrats as well as their friends in the Republican Establishment push for bigger government. Conservative Republicans and conservative Democrats want smaller government. Here lies the battle between control of the population and self reliance. Big government was not the direction the founders had in mind. Rather what the Federal Government responsibility there was was limited by the 10th amendment which is almost entirely ignored. 
"The powers not delegated to the United states (Federal Government) by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people". An example of Government Policy promoting "Economic Slavery" is government paying money to help a single mother get on her feet, but having a rule that ends her child care allowance if she exceeds a certain income threshold. This in effect forces that person not to take a small raise or promotion if it puts her over the amount she can make and still get the child care allowance, assuming the increase would be less than the child care allowance. 
Than God for Donald Trump who believes in personal responsibility, less government regulation, and the ability of individuals to succeed. Draining the swamp is a massive task because for to long, those pushing for big government which is more government control have been taking away our Freedoms slice by slice as the Founding Fathers roll over in their graves.

By Bob Livingston January 2018
Democracy is an organized system of political, moral and social control. It is the evolution and fulfillment of all systems gone before. It is the New World Order to perfection for the ruling international elite. It is the master strategy of taking human liberty and individualism and transferring them to the group herd that clamors for authoritarianism.
Democracy is not freedom. It is not government by the people and for the people. It is the perfect disguise for benevolent totalitarianism. As such, it's anathema to Christian-based morality and liberty.
The elites promote democracy, and the people love it because they love evil more than righteousness. We think that most of our readers are gravely concerned about the deterioration of morality in America as reflected in what we see and hear around us. The vast majority of Americans go along with the system. Its social and moral depravity prospers under the cloak of democracy. Democracy is the fallacy of argumentum ad populum writ large.
Government is attacking the individual and family unit in a myriad of ways: through social programs, class warfare and altruism, which is selfless self-denial to the point of literal self-sacrifice for a myth called society, and propaganda.
Social welfare programs are destructive to the individual and the family unit because they absolve the parents of their parental responsibilities and promote dependency on government. There are now "families" that for two or three generations have been wards of the state. Many if not most of them are without a male head of household. They depend upon the state to provide their sustenance, their housing, their transportation, their healthcare and their entertainment. They know nothing of individuality or personal responsibility. Their provider is the state, and the state is their god. It is 21st Century Baal worship.
According to a recent report from Social Capital Project, 30 percent of kids now born are children of single mothers. That's a 700 percent increase since 1960. Millions of young men are being raised without a father or single positive adult role model to teach them what it means to be a man. No matter how hard they try or good their intentions, mothers or grandmothers cannot teach young boys how to be men — men who treat women with respect and love and behave as fathers to their children.
Government policies first encouraged women to abandon their primary and God-directed role in raising their children and join the work force, then drove them there through currency debasement and high taxation that combined to drive up the cost of living, making it almost impossible for a one-earner household to survive, much less prosper.
We now see these problems manifesting themselves in a myriad of ways, not the least of which is the increase in harassment and sexual abuse of women and children. The policies and actions of the elites in government and the Hollyweird crowd have destroyed morality and pushed on us a social and moral depravity in the name of love. We have been neutralized with the love syndrome.
After years of promoting such immoralities as "free love" and consequenceless sex through the murder of the soon-to-be-born in the womb; years of demeaning and ridiculing God-based morality; years of support of policies that destroy the family unit and universalism promoted by the organized church, the humanists are "surprised" that some men took them at their word and felt free to act like dogs.
The organized church teaches us to love all people, all things and all evil. Well, this love syndrome is not Christianity. It arises out of an esoteric philosophy intended to subdue us into docility. We are taught to see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil. This is a seduction to get us to love evil. The more we love evil, the greater the capacity of evil to destroy us. And the more we love evil, the less our capacity of discernment, not knowing good from evil. This is our state of mind now. We do not know good from evil, contrary to the plain teaching of scripture. "Follow not that which is evil, but that which is good." III John verse 11.
When one accepts the social gospel and democracy, he automatically accepts and becomes a humanist. He self-destructs as an individual giving himself over to altruism and group consciousness. Next comes the inability to know right from wrong based on the moral principles of the Bible.
The more basic principles of morality (the Ten Commandments) are debased and destroyed by authority, the easier to deceive and control. This results in universalism.
Universalism is the belief that all men are or will be saved or redeemed, regardless of creed. It is the perfect religious system for deceiving people into political slavery because of its mass appeal to equality. In this way, universalism becomes a politico-religious organism. It is a comprehensive system for deceiving great masses of people. In the vision of utopian universalism, there are no races, colors, creeds nor standards of excellence.
Universalism organizes around and goes forward under similar ideologies ranging from humanitarianism to egalitarianism. These politico-religious ideologies are akin in their humanist depiction of men as victims of history, victims of other men and victims of God and in the belief in human progress or works as necessary to salvation. Universalism incorporates Islam, Judaism and all brotherhood religions in the religious sphere.
Universalism is socialism, communism and democracy in the political sphere. Only New Testament Christianity differs from these world religions, and only Christian families and communities founded on the truth can resist the deception and tyranny of universalism.
Universalism trumpets perfect freedom while resulting in total slavery. In the United States, universalism has led to superstitious and even barbaric beliefs and practices.
Homosexuality, bisexuality and polyamory are the new normal and are now codified into law by the lawless Supreme Court. These perversions are typically practiced around the world in cultures in which normal, healthful God-sanctioned relations between men and women are obliterated by pagan religions (e.g., Islam, Satanism, secular humanism) and government policies. They are anathema to the Christian family as established by God: one man and one woman married for life, with children.
Christians should recognize evil, condemn it and take action against evil. Evil is evil whether under the color of law or under cover of a morality of the organized church or the state.
The spiritual ability to recognize evil and condemn it is basic to the restoration of liberty. That ability will only come through a study of the Holy Scriptures.

Yours for the truth,

Bob Livingston

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