Friday, January 26, 2018

The Mueller Show should be over

The Mueller Show should be over

Every citizen needs to vote. Every vote counts in ending corruption.

Exercise your right to vote.
All right kids, that’s enough. It’s high time that President Donald Trump fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Actually, it has been high time for the president to send Mueller back to the lecture circuit, but we have passed the point of Mueller’s flying circus being entertaining, and it being a spec script for a movie of the week on Lifetime: Television for Women.
The young lovers, FBI Agents Peter Stzok and Lisa Page, have produced a sordid tale on their own. When they weren’t sending each text messages at high school crush-worthy speed — five months of which have somehow managed to go missing from inside the confines of what I would have expected to be a fairly secure environment — they were openly discussing their efforts to subvert the election and presidency of Donald Trump. Strzok even acknowledged that Mueller’s probe into Trump’s team would result in “nothing,” and that his “…gut sense and concern there’s no big there there.” And their references to meetings of a “secret society” of like-minded government officials indicates they weren’t alone in the anti-Trump heavy breathing.
Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey is worth a miniseries, too. Not only did he funnel classified information through his pal, Columbia University professor Daniel Richman, he is now claiming Richman is his attorney. The man, whose agency would presumably feel a bit responsible for leaving the door unguarded against any Russian incursions, engineered the entire Mueller fiasco with his pipeline through Richman. Now that the horse has thrown a shoe, Comey appears to be hiding behind some kind of retroactive attorney-client privilege. That’s not just nonsense, it calls into question the very basis of the probe in the first place.
They’ve got a shady spy, a bogus dossier that reads like a Harvey Weinstein fever dream, secret meetings between Attorneys General and candidate’s spouses, illegal surveillance and, lest we forget, Mueller’s entire operation leaks like a sieve. What began as a ridiculous attempt to rescue a candidacy from a pathological lack of appeal has transmogrified into an embarrassing effort to sink a presidency. It certainly can’t be motivated by a desire to improve the lives of the citizens of the United States; the Democrats have made it abundantly clear that they rank us behind illegal aliens.
If there are any further special investigations conducted at the federal level — at taxpayer’s expense, I might add — they ought to be into worthwhile mysteries; like how the same people who used to howl about a “vast right wing conspiracy” aimed at Hillary Clinton have fabricated a very real left wing conspiracy designed to, if not protect, then avenge her. But before anyone gets started, let’s make sure that the investigation is ready for prime time and not another Democratic Party-scripted comedy of errors.
— Ben Crystal

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