Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Homer 33C Students can practice coding skills, explore chain reactions in school libraries

News Release
Homer CCSD 33C
Goodings Grove   Luther J. Schilling   William E. Young   William J. Butler  
Hadley Middle   Homer Jr. High

Contact: Charla Brautigam, Communications/Public Relations Manager

For Immediate Release:
April 9, 2018

More STEM-based activities coming to Homer 33C libraries
Students can practice coding skills, explore chain reactions in school libraries


   Thanks to a federal grant, Homer 33C students will be practicing their coding skills, working with electronic circuit kits and exploring chain reactions in their school libraries.


   The district purchased dozens of hands-on learning kits and materials this month after receiving a $10,000 block grant from the federal government under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).


   Dr. Kathleen Robinson, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, submitted the grant application, explaining how the district would use the resources to support well-rounded educational opportunities for students.


   “It’s important that children and their teachers have access to a variety of hands-on activities that spur creativity and exploration,” said Robinson, who purchased a variety of learning materials for students including:
     Osmo educational games with coding applications
     LEGO Education STEAM Park
     littleBits electronic circuit kits
     Books on engineering, science and math
     Makerspace collaborative work spaces
     Breakout EDU kits

   The STEM-based activities will be distributed equally throughout the district, with special concentration at the elementary level since the junior high and middle school already have STEAM labs.

   This is not the first grant Homer 33C has received to supplement learning materials in its school libraries.

   Earlier this year, the district received a School District Library Grant award in the amount of $2,716.50 to update its book collection by purchasing new, award-winning books that appeal to today’s student.

   “We appreciate all opportunities to supplement our learning resources and provide students with engaging STEM-based activities and ways to improve their digital literacy skills,” said Robinson.

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