Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Orland Park Mayor Kieth Pekau message

Saturday, I was notified of another robo-call being received regarding the “Triangle” Project.  While I did not receive it, it was forwarded to me.

First, some of the facts in these calls are incorrect.  The amount of money spent on Orland Park Bakery is overstated by a factor of 10.  Tomorrow, the Village will provide the exact figure that twas given to the bakery.

Second, these calls are not helpful.  My goal has always been to move the Village forward.  Looking at past performance is relevant for campaigns and elections, it does not help anyone govern.  Since I was elected, the Village exited from its financial involvement in 9750, walked away from a potential $8 Million incentive to a movie theater that was being discussed prior the election and have recently entered into an RFQ/RFP process to develop the remaining parcels in the “Triangle”.

This process will take another step next week as a committee of 5 people interviews selected development teams from the RFQs that were submitted.  The goal is to get the Village out of the “development business” and for the Village to choose the best idea from developers.  This is the same process that Naperville took to develop its downtown.  No need to “recreate the wheel”, when we can learn from success stories in other towns.

Third, these calls, though annoying and less than factual, are not criminal
.  However, they do violate FCC rules.  These calls can be made to land lines without your permission but not to cell phones.  Also, the caller needs to provide the following information (which was not provided):

  • The identity of the business, individual, or other entity initiating the call (and if a business or corporate entity, the entity's official business name) must be stated clearly at the beginning of the message; and

  • The telephone number of the calling party must be provided either during or after the message

 The FCC is the appropriate authority to investigate.  You can make complaints to the FCC through the following link:  https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=39744

Finally, some individuals are attempting to use these calls for political gain. They are putting politics above the people. This needs to stop. These calls are in no one’s interest and are bad for the Village. If you receive these calls, please report them.

Thank you.


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