Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The supplement you must take if you're on statins

The supplement you must take if
you're on statins

By Bob Livingston
It's no surprise that the economy is the greatest concern to millennials.
In all matters of health, you must think for yourself and realize, how in the world can drugs replace or do the work that nutrition is meant to do naturally within your body? They can't, no matter how much drug orthodoxy promotes that they do. You do not get high cholesterol because of a deficiency of statin drugs.

However, it is probable that your doctor will prescribe you a statin drug should they "diagnose" you with high cholesterol. It's even possible that your insurance will be dropped unless you take it. If this is the case, and you must take a cholesterol-lowering drug, there's a nutrient you should also take as well. 

When you take statin drugs to lower your cholesterol levels, you're likely to become deficient in CoQ10. This is due to the fact that while statins work by reducing an enzyme in your liver to decrease the production of cholesterol, they also lower the body's production of CoQ10.
When this happens, you can end up with severe muscle aches, pains and weakness.
In order to counter this effect and restore your natural levels, it's important that you take a supplement that's a minimum of 100 mg of highly absorbable CoQ10 each day.

It's even more important that you supplement with CoQ10 if you're over 40, which the majority of statin-takers are, because your body's natural production of CoQ10 declines drastically once you're past that age.
If you're both over 40, when your levels are already dropping, and taking statins, which decrease your body's ability to make CoQ10 even further, you could be seriously CoQ10 deficient.
Higher levels of the antioxidant have been proven to support normal blood pressure, maintain heart health, erase migraines, promote healthy gum tissues, maintain normal memory function and contribute to keeping your brain and nervous system perfectly healthy.
The form of CoQ10 your body can best use is called ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is a reduced version of CoQ10, so your body doesn't have to convert it in order to use it. All the heavy lifting has already been done.
The ubiquinol supplement that I recommend is from Peak Pure & Natural. It's called Peak CoQSol10 CF™. It's ubiquinol in its most highly absorbable form.
You can also get some CoQ10 from the foods you eat. You'll find it in small doses in:

• Grass-fed beef
• Free-range chicken
• Rainbow trout
• Sardines
• Pistachios
• Broccoli
• Cauliflower
• Strawberries (organic, always)
• Oranges

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