Saturday, November 3, 2018

The unbearable whiteness of being liberal

By Ben Crystal

The unbearable whiteness of being liberal 

White people are bad. I know this because the Democrats have devoted an inordinate amount of time informing Americans that white people are responsible for everything that ails our great nation. When white men aren't raping women on their way to the Supreme Court, they're stepping on black people's heads to get there. And it's not just the white men who are to blame. According to quite a few of the Democrat/media complex's spokesholes, the successful confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh proves white girls are spreading plenty of misery on their own. The New York Times charged "white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain." Rolling Stone blasted white women for "a new 21st century version of Jim Crow." And Islamofascist hate group fuhrer Linda Sarsour, who continues to be the Women's (sic) March leader despite her affinity for removing women's genitals, shrieked that Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) vote to confirm Kavanaugh makes her "a traitor to women." 

OK, so having established that white people, of either gender, are the devil incarnate, I have a question: Why am I still seeing Hillary Clinton everywhere? A septuagenarian multimillionaire who built her entire career on her husband's coattails seems like a poor choice to continue bearing the standard of a political party which considers old white people to be bipedal viruses. And given Madame Clinton's husband's history of sexual assault, I would have ranked her higher than Susan Collins on the "traitor to women" scale. And yet, there she is, jet-setting around America with Bubba on her arm; charging close to $1,000 a head to watch her do it.

While the "Lady MacBeth of Little Rock" doesn't appear to be considering a reboot of her disastrous 2016 presidential campaign, likely because she doesn't want to take the pay cut, the roster of aspirants from the "Down with Whitey" party is pretty damned pale. According to a CNN poll released Sunday, the leading challenger to President Donald Trump's re-election is — an even older white person than Nana Hilldawg. Leading the libs by a nearly 20-point margin is former Vice President Joe Biden, all 75 grope-y years of him. In second place is the only other candidate to climb into double digits: 77-year old Senator Bernie Sanders (Communist – VT). A few nonwhite names, Senator Kamala Harris (LOL-Californistan), Senator Cory Booker (D- SPARTACUS!!) and even Eric Holder (D-Sinaloa Cartel) pop up in the also-rans section, but they're stuck rubbing shoulders with crusty old palefaces like John Kerry and Michael Bloomberg. Holder is even outpointed by fake Latino, and real drunk driver, Rep. Robert Francis O'Rourke (D- "Beto"-ville).

We just finished a week in which Kanye West's visit to the White House sent liberals into such a racist meltdown, they did everything but burn a cross on the lawn. At one point, CNN analysts actually questioned whether West, who strikes me as kindred spirit to Trump — self-obsessed, kinda boorish, but undeniably successful — knew how to read. This from the same people who thought it was the coolest when Obama had some yuks with a lady who got famous for taking a bath in milk and breakfast cereal.

The left have proclaimed themselves the African-American's true defender, but any who step out of line are subjected to psychiatric diagnoses by reporters whose medical knowledge is limited to the homeopathic section at the Whole Foods. Serious people, including Secretaries of State, U.S. Senators and Supreme Court justices who don't toe the racial line set by liberals are mocked, ignored and/or targeted for the kind of bigoted hatred that would make Hillary's mentor, Senator Robert Byrd (Grand Dragon – WV), turn whiter than his Sunday-go-to-cross burnin' sheets.

And yet, atop their molehill, Hillary Clinton stands as queen, with Joe Biden as crown prince. I guess that makes Bernie Sanders the court jester. After all the hate, all the racial division and all the violence, the Democrats are led by the nose into the political arena by a bunch of rich, old, white people. 

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