Saturday, January 27, 2018

Surprise! Progressives Are Indoctrinating Our Children With A Favorite Pastime

Surprise! Progressives Are Indoctrinating Our Children With A Favorite Pastime

From Mommy Underground

There are many memories made for children in what they experience during the elementary school years, and one of the most special parts of childhood – for both parents and kids – is learning the joy of reading.
We, as parents, can likely remember the anticipation of going to the school library in a welcome break from the classroom, and choosing a new book to take home.  We also probably remember a special annual event held in our elementary schools – the Book Fair.
The Scholastic Book Fair has been a part of elementary education for decades, and children look forward to visiting the fair with a few dollars in hand to be able to purchase a favorite book or two to take home and keep.
But now, like every other formerly family-friendly part of American culture, Scholastic Books – and its annual book fair for schoolchildren – is being taken over by the radical progressive agenda.
Scholastic is now heavily pushing the sale of several picture books for children to normalize homosexual marriage and transgenderism.  And they think they are doing a service to American families in doing so.
The parent advocacy group One Million Moms is calling for a boycott of Scholastic – and for good reason.  Not only have they published several books addressing alternative lifestyles in recent years, they also post reading lists specifically for LGBT families looking for books to help their children feel “normal.”
These reading lists, available on their website, include: “Books For Two-Mommy (or Two-Daddy) Families,” and “Picture Books About Transgender Children.”
Activist Mommy reported:
While not shocking in the sense that this sort of thing by the left is becoming more and more common place, it’s disturbing nonetheless, as children, our most vulnerable citizens, are being used as political pawns to help progressives undermine the family and reserve more power for the state.
Delicate topics of sexuality should not be discussed by teachers and public school institutions. These issues are better left to parents who are the ones tasked with passing on values to those belonging to future generations.
Some of the titles, geared towards children in grades K-6, include:  The Princess Boy, Jacob’s New Dress, 10,000 Dresses (a picture book featuring a full-grown man in a dress on the cover), and George.
George, as described by One Million Moms, is the story is about a transgender fourth-grader who hopes to play Charlotte in her school’s upcoming production of Charlotte’s Web. The 10-year-old hopes that if she gets the part, her family and teacher will look past the male gender identity she was assigned at birth and finally accept her as a girl. 
The infiltration of children’s books by the progressive movement began with the release of “I Am Jazz,” a true story based on Jazz Jennings, who apparently knew from kindergarten that he was supposed to be a girl.  TLC is now running the third season of a reality program about the “struggles” the Jennings family has gone through to help Jazz “live her dream.”
With the lengths that radical progressives have gone in recent years to eradicate any trace of the traditional family from society with their liberally-biased propaganda, this should come as no surprise.  They will use any means necessary to indoctrinate our youth.
When faced with any resistance to their radical agenda by conservatives, they attack and threaten.  And they now feel they have found a new niche by targeting American children as pawns to grow their movement in the next generation in an effort to normalize sexual deviancy.
One Million Moms, and other conservative parenting organizations, are calling on American families to boycott Scholastic.  Scholastic Books says it “has been delivering literacy resources for kids and outstanding children’s books to schools, teachers, and families for more than 90 years,” and aims to continue by appealing to every family’s “unique” reading needs.
The American College of Pediatricians warns that, “Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.”  It is shocking how far our nation has fallen into progressive ideology, and disgraceful that our children are being used to perpetuate it.
In addition to boycotting the purchase of any books from Scholastic, One Million Moms suggests that concerned parents contact the company, and its President and CEO Dick Robinson, with the contact information provided on the Scholastic website.

1 comment:

  1. Got Science?
    Re: The American College of Pediatricians
    The organization's view on parenting differ from the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which holds that sexual orientation has no correlation with the ability to be a good parent and to raise healthy and well-adjusted children. ACPeds has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for, in their words "propagating damaging falsehoods about LGBT people". A number of mainstream researchers, including the director of the US National Institutes of Health, have accused the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) of misusing or mischaracterizing their work to advance ACPeds' political agenda.
