By Bob Livingston

The rule is that we can never believe the establishment media and expect to have the truth.
Population control lies at the heart and soul of the New World Order. It is not a goal. It is a blueprint of action.
Population control also lies at the heart of socialized medicine. It inevitably leads to euthanasia of the "non-producers." Who are non-producers?
Nonproductive consumers are defined as all retired people, all terminally ill, all unborn children — which through "prenatal diagnostic techniques" can be shown to have fatal metabolic disorders — and all who have been in accidents leaving them nonproductive consuming dependents.
Last week, Sweden's Minister of Social Affairs, Annika Strandhäll, told the newspaper Aftonbladet that the country's elderly are overloading the healthcare system. Responding to claims that the healthcare system – which is seeing such a backlog that patients are waiting so long for surgeries that they "literally start to rot" – was overwhelmed by unchecked immigration, Strandhäll said, "That's not true, that's not true! We have a rapidly aging population in Sweden. Life expectancy increases by 3.5 hours a day and we have a larger number of chroniclers with life-long relationships with healthcare today than 30 years ago.
According to Strandhäll, "the number of people aged 70 years and older will increase by 300,000 by 2025. That is the big problem."
This is not new. We've seen in just the last year Britain's socialized medical system murder two children – Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans – because they were doomed to be a drain on the system. Great Britain's National Health Services guidelines require doctors to counsel elderly patients and younger patients with serious illness to sign do not resuscitate orders, and patients are told that costs for assisted suicide will be paid while their medical treatments at end of life may not.
People ask how such a thing can happen. It stems from a death cult that does not value life – or, at least, certain life. The elites believe all people are equal, but some are more equal than others.
For understanding – or at least what passes among understanding from the elite leftist "thinkers" -- we can look at something written in the 1990s by Ezekiel Emanuel, President Obama's special advisor for Health Policy during the creation of Obamacare.
Emanuel, the source of Sarah Palin's "death panel" claims, wrote that he believes healthcare treatments should be denied to those under 15 and over 65 to save money, the rationale being that only people between 15 and 65 are beneficial to society.
In his 1998 book, "The Ends of Human Life: Medical Ethics in a Liberal Polity," we find this passage:
People aspire to be members of a community by participating in its political deliberations. Through such participation, citizens can realize political autonomy, that is, living under conditions they legislate. They can also realize certain capacities, such as the capacity for responsibility and moral reflection. And finally, through their participation in communal deliberations citizens become bound to the larger community, seeing their own interests in its common interest. In this way they transcend their individual existence to become part of an ongoing community with a posterity… Similarly, in the area of selecting medical interventions, the deliberative conception suggests that certain capacities are necessary for a worthy and meaningful life. Without the potential capacities for engaging in deliberations, one is not a full person." |
In other words, if grandma had a stroke and can't speak, or your brother is born mentally handicapped or is brain damaged from an accident, or your toddler niece Pam has leukemia, then those people aren't "full persons," according to Emanuel. They don't have the potential to participate in political discussions, and participation in the transcendent community — and only that participation — is what grants complete personhood.
Such is the mindset behind "medical ethicists" who participated in the murder of those young children… and who advocate for the euthanasia of grandma and your brother.
Mercy killing is justified by millions of unthinking people engaged in a form of twisted morality, as evidenced by the number of comments that young Alfie was "better off" dead.
The Nazis conducted mercy killings. We are still condemning them. But what about American "Nazis" who are doing the exact same thing? Is there something wrong with our perception of things that we can't see through all the propaganda and conclude that mass killing under some mask is epidemic in America?
There are many ways to subtly kill millions of people without any announcement or admission. Population control is here and now. If one dies by execution, it can be execution without one's knowledge.
Why does population control have such an urgent priority? The answer is quite simple. The U.S. government corporation is a business enterprise run by an "establishment." It is a unique corporation in that it has the power vested in the national bank (the Federal Reserve) to create "money" (credit). Although the creation of money is a monopoly power of the government, it has to be strictly regulated in order for the "monetary" system to work, as well as to survive.
It is in the regulation process that requires population control. As long as the authorities can balance production with consumption, there is a continuous flow of wealth to the government making the U.S. government corporation the most wealthy and profitable in the world. Because of sheer size, there is greater police power to impose its wishes upon the world.
It is when consumption (and this is the key word) becomes greater than production that real resources (wealth) begin to reverse back to the nonproductive consumers. This drain (loss of profits) is threatened by a top heavy and growing retired and aging population as well as all the other nonproducing consumers listed above. It cannot and will not be allowed.
Think population control can't come to America? It is here now.
Dying under the pretense of sickness care is more benevolent than dying by a firing squad. Sickness care under all pretenses is benevolent. It is not possible for many Americans to identify sickness care with death.
Firing squads and death chambers cost the system money. On the other hand, imagine how much the medical system stands to profit from "sickness care" in America.
Arranging euthanasia by "mercy killing" and/or "sickness care" is far more acceptable and even benevolent. It's a simple trick of confusing cause and effect.
Baby killing (abortion) is a growing industry (60 million soon-to-be-born and counting since Roe v.Wade) backed by all kinds of monstrous justification. But by far, mass killing is more subtle and disguised. To name a couple, there is medical killing under the pretense of treatment. This would include withholding known cures for all degenerative diseases.
Then there are mass inoculations, setting the population up for terminal illnesses 20 to 30 years later and leading to the perceived need for "gentle death." I certainly would include in this the great annual effort every fall and winter to give free flu shots. Vaccines are an assault upon the people under the pretense of healthcare. It is forced medication through persuasion.
If there is a very rare protest, the "authorities" just say that an occasional death is unavoidable and is for the "greater good." That term the "greater good" is statist philosophy that the people are cattle and some have to be sacrificed.
But mass inoculations kill en masse. It's silent murder as "healthcare." Would you say this is the "perfect crime"? Incredible? Yes, the more incredible, the more perfect the crime.
There is much more to this story, but we now clearly see why population control is an issue (a matter of money). We see who are the targets to reduce population: the nonproducing consumers. And finally, we see just some of the methods of extermination that almost no one suspects.
We are subtly being taught that death is desirable and even glorious. It will finally be framed that death is a service to our fellow man.
The greatest reward of a death cult is to love death and translate and impute the love of death to the public mind. We must come to love "big brother" so much that we desire to die.
We are on the Animal Farm!
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