Sunday, February 25, 2018

How to stop premature aging

Insulin resistance is a marker of aging. Aging is the process of going from insulin sensitivity as a child to insulin resistance in aging and death. 

When we are young, our cells are very sensitive. But as we age and consume huge amounts of sugar, our cells become highly resistant, triggering all the diseases. 

Peak immunity is not compatible with high insulin. 

A blood sugar value of 120 reduces the phagocytic (immune) index 75 percent. 

Centenarian studies reveal that there is hardly anything in common among people over 100 years old. They have high cholesterol and low cholesterol, some exercise and some don't, some smoke, some don't, some live in filth, some are clean, some are calm and some are explosive. But they all have relatively low sugar for their age and they all have low triglycerides for their age. And they all have relatively low insulin. 

If low insulin was common to all centenarians, then high insulin is the common denominator in all disease. Follow low insulin in the population to its conclusion and we get a lean healthy centenarian people. Wouldn't that be fatal to the medical cartel? 

The next time you go to the doctor and he says that you have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity or whatever, what are they saying but don't tell you? They are really naming symptoms, and treating symptoms not diseases. 

The underlying disease is high insulin or insulin resistance caused by a lifetime of high sugar and high carbohydrate diet. You can treat yourself once you know this. If you are not comatose, you can most probably reverse all the above diseases. 

To know this is to have health freedom. Have we been missing the obvious? Or has the medical establishment covered it up? 

Doctors will issue a bag full of prescription drugs, but only rarely will they say "stay off of all sugar." Yet we know all the chronic diseases we consider as being a part of "aging" actually thread their roots back to sugar consumption. Of all the species, the human race has a very high proclivity to sugar addiction and sugar dependence.

The more sugar or carbohydrate consumption, the more insulin balance is disturbed. Any sugar or any food or any substance out of which the body can make sugar directly affects insulin balance.

This is important because insulin imbalance is a major contributor to the worst chronic diseases of today: heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer and possibly Alzheimer's — all symptoms of insulin imbalance, which also tends the body towards inflammation, another underlying disease for which the mainstream only treats symptoms.

Hiding the sugar

There are many, many ways to disguise sugar or divert one's attention from sugar. Most supermarket manufactured foods are loaded with sugar, but it's usually relegated to the small print. The big diverter, "low fat" or "no fat," is nearly always in bold or set out in a box or different color on the label.

The manufacturers know that the public has been thoroughly programmed against fat consumption. So if they print "no fat," the customer is drawn to the product. 

Please remember that when the medical profession recommends a high complex carbohydrate plus low saturated fat diet they are recommending a high glucose or high sugar diet. The result is high insulin and high weight gain. Then comes what the medical establishment tells you is "diabetes" but is really a diet issue that results in all the other symptoms above. 

At any age, one may reverse obesity, Type II "diabetes" and nearly any other health problem by simply learning what to put in your mouth as food. One of the oldest human paradigms is to think of your food as your medicine. How have we lost this?

Insulin food cure

To help you regain your insulin sensitivity and reverse disease, focus on vitamin K.

Even the American Diabetes Association admitted, via a research study, that "vitamin K2 supplementation for 4 weeks increased insulin sensitivity in healthy young men... our results are consistent with previous studies that demonstrated improved glucose intolerance or relieved insulin resistance by treatment with vitamin K1 or vitamin K2 respectively."

In another study involving older men and women published in the JournalDiabetes Care, researchers found that simply eating the right foods over the long term can have a positive effect: "Vitamin K supplementation for 36 months at doses attainable in the diet may reduce progression of insulin resistance in older men."

To help make sure you boost your vitamin K intake through diet, eat the naturally fermented soy product called natto. It's a food that's been eaten in Japan, by some of the longest lived humans on earth, for thousands of years and is safe, therapeutic and preventative, with no side effects. Natto gives you 850 mcg per serving of the special form of vitamin K called mk7, which also helps normalize blood pressure and improves blood flow by destroying clots.

Some people don't like the texture of natto, but that can be alleviated by adding it to stir-fry dishes. The pan or stir-fry along with other vegetables makes natto tastier — more like traditional beans.

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