Thursday, February 8, 2018

John Kerry – traitor to America

John Kerry – traitor to America

The apparent meltdown of the Department of Just(Us) silent coup against President Donald Trump does not signal an end to the machinations of the global elite.
Into the fray steps former Massachusetts Senator/former Secretary of State John (Kohn) Kerry – he of the fabricated Vietnam battle injury that “earned” him a Purple Heart medal upon which his political career is based. Seems that even in retirement he’s still carrying the water for the Council on Foreign Relations — #NeverTrumpers all – and meeting covertly with foreign nationals to undermine the Trump agenda.
As the Jerusalem Post reports, Kerry met in London with a close associate of Mahmoud Abbas, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization and president of the Palestinian National Authority (aka the  head of the non-Hamas wing of the Palestinians).
During his meeting with Abbas’ right-hand man, Hussein Agha, Kerry instructed Agha to convey a message to Abbas to “hold on and be strong” and “not yield to President Trump’s demands” on a peace process with Israel. According to Kerry, Abbas need only hold out for a year because by then Trump will be out of the White House.
That begs the question: What does Kerry know about the CFR’s plans for Trump’s future?
The Post reports that Kerry offered his help to the Palestinians in an effort to advance the peace process and recommended that Abbas present his own peace plan. “Maybe it is time for the Palestinians to define their peace principles and present a positive plan,” Kerry suggested. He promised to use all his contacts and all his abilities to get support for such a plan.
The Post also reports that Kerry asked Agha to encourage Abbas not to attack the U.S. or the Trump Administration, but to concentrate his verbal assaults on Trump himself. According to the report, Kerry – a known potty-mouth — used highly derogatory terms to describe Trump and offered to help create an alternative peace initiative and promised to help garner international support from Europeans, Arab states and the international community.
From The Post:
Kerry hinted that many in the American establishment, as well as in American intelligence, are dissatisfied with Trump’s performance and the way he leads their country.
He surprised his interlocutor by saying he was seriously considering running for president in 2020. When asked about his advanced age (74), he said he was not much older than Trump and would not have an age problem.
Kerry explained, according to the report, that even in the Republican Party they do not know what to do with Trump and are very dissatisfied with him and that patience and breathing time are needed to get through this difficult period.
Of course, the fact that “many in the American establishment, as well as in American intelligence, are dissatisfied with Trump’s performance” is self-evident, given the many fronts of the silent coup currently underway and the ongoing barrage of anti-Trump media coverage.
A year ago, when the propaganda arm of the Deep State – the mainstream media led by The Washington Post, The New York Times and CNN – learned that Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn met with the Russian ambassador to discuss the lifting of Obama-era sanctions, they went crazy, as did the progressives and #NeverTrumpers in both the “R” party and “D” party, citing violations of the Logan Act.
The Logan Act criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government’s position. Treason is defined in the Constitution as “levying war against (the U.S.), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” Does this not accurately describe what Kerry did here?
It’s certainly closer to a Logan Act violation than what Flynn may have done. He was acting on behalf of the incoming administration, not the global elite and the party now out of power.
The silence from the #NeverTrumpers right and left on this seditious meeting by Kerry is deafening.
Recall that Abbas refused to meet with Vice President Mike Pence to discuss the peace process, but he sent a surrogate to meet with a representative of the globalist CFR.
The Palestinians are the largest per capita recipients of aid in the world, with the U.S. having committed more than $5 billion to them since the mid-1990s. We’ve long advocated that the U.S. end all foreign aid, and Trump, for his part, says no more aid is forthcoming to the Palestinians unless they step up to the peace table.
Kerry may be playing the cards of the global elite, but for now, Trump holds the purse strings.

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