Sunday, June 24, 2018

The enzymes that sustain life

The enzymes that sustain life

You might have seen the poll question we asked recently about raw milk. You don't hear about raw milk much anymore. Its existence has almost gone down the memory hole. We've been told it's unhealthy, and of course it's been declared mostly illegal to sell.

Food processors seem to want to destroy enzymes. In processed milk they destroy the alkaline phosphatase enzyme, which is the essential life ingredient. Flour is bleached to destroy the enzymes. Dead foods result.

When enzymes are destroyed, the balance which controls all living reactions is destroyed. All food in its natural form has a balanced enzyme system. This is the foundation of live food and live nutrition.

There are no live enzyme systems in processed or cooked foods. Life requires biochemical reactions of the enzyme systems, and loss of function of these important regulatory networks is the principle deleterious effect of manufactured and counterfeit food products.

We are so used to consuming cooked and processed foods with destroyed enzyme systems that we are totally unaware of the aging and terminal effect.

I believe that in future years when some unusually perceptive person writes of our era, he will say that our health failed because of processed foods.

Every living food has live enzyme systems, and this is the basis of reproduction and perpetuation of life. Some seeds have been found alive and sprouted after thousands of years.

Really, the answer to health, weight and longevity is a diet predominately of raw foods. Our generation is a victim of cooked-food disease, which is a basic cause of widespread health degeneration. We leave it to your imagination as to which raw foods you can eat and get used to. Start small and gradually build up the amounts and varieties.

Otherwise, as we age, our enzymes diminish because we don't eat enough raw foods. For example, truly raw almonds are not available in the United States or Canada. No "reason" can be found.

And the FDA decided not to tell the consumer the truth about the new processing. The almonds you buy may still say "raw almonds," but they will have been subjected to high heat and a "five-log kill step" that they are calling pasteurization.

The FDA in association with the USDA and the Almond Board is, in fact, denying you the information required to make informed choices when you buy food. You will not be able to identify a pasteurized almond from a truly raw, whole, enzyme-rich, unprocessed almond.

So even nuts, a valuable source of nutrients and healthy fats, are no longer natural.

You need more raw foods... although this may not be as difficult as you think. Just keep adding more and more raw foods until you are eating one-half to two-thirds of your diet raw. The benefits would be far greater than you can imagine health-wise.

Take the potato, for example. Alternative doctors tell you that a potato is bad news for your blood sugar. But compared to breads and processed grains, they're much better for your body.

Why? First, pound for pound, potatoes furnish about one-third less calories than bread — so we may eat three times as much on a caloric basis. (There are about 100 calories per medium-sized raw potato, which is much less than a serving of spaghetti, pie or cake.) In addition, its superior digestibility and food value as a source of protein, vitamins and minerals make it ideal for reducing the caloric intake without sacrificing many essential food factors like enzymes and co-factors.

Foods like the potato are virtually the only reliable source of complete food complexes today. Raw apples; potatoes; vegetables; fruits; raw meats; eggs; and unpasteurized raw milk, cream and butter are all foods that, under present-day circumstances, are as complete as it is possible to obtain.

Obesity is a disease of civilization — or, better stated, un-civilization. It is the primitive races that are civilized in this sense: They eat whole raw foods; and they do not have obesity, cancer, diabetes, hardening of the arteries, tooth decay, etc. And they don't have a medical establishment and an FDA to parasite on them.

In the so-called civilized world the system debauches our health, and then the "medical establishment" profits from sickness.

If obesity were attacked with raw foods, not only would the problem be obliterated, but the condition of our nation would improve to the point where we, instead of being the sickest nation on Earth, would be the healthiest. 

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