Friday, June 15, 2018

There is no money in telling the truth about health

There is no money in telling the truth.

Remember that nobody, i.e., Big Pharma, the government bureaucrats or any of the politicians, will identify the true source of optimal health.

We don't need "health care" and drugs. We need diet education and diet reversal from acid to alkaline. All drugs accumulate as acid waste in the body. Any serious treatment for anything involves the removal of acid waste.

Higher alkalization means more oxygen and more oxygen signifies better cellular health (fewer DNA breaks, i.e., less cancer) and also higher immunity.

Your body faces all kinds of breakdown if it is allowed to get too acidic or is forced to fight too hard for too long just to stay basic (alkaline), or if it gets overgrown with noxious microforms. As I said before (and will no doubt say again): If you dig deep enough, these twin problems underlie just about anything that ails you.

Excess acidity is a condition that weakens all body systems. Acidity prevents the liver and pancreas from regulating blood sugar, making the risk of diabetes and cancer increase.

It is considered that normal adults eating ordinary western diets have chronic low-grade acidosis which increases with age. This excess acid or acidosis is considered to contribute to many diseases and to contribute to the aging process.

There is, therefore a relationship between the aging process and the accumulation of acids in the body.

The acid/alkaline balance is one of the most overlooked aspects of health, yet the American public is heavily acidic and few doctors ever pay any attention to it. The acidity of the body is directly related to the aging process. Death is the final saturation of the body with acid.

The only way to extend life expectancy is to keep the pH slightly alkaline. Believe it or not low-cost sodium bicarbonate is the answer for too much acid in the body. Yes, dear reader. Baking soda. Drinking tap water or any demineralized water is going to take one to their grave a lot faster than drinking high alkaline, high pH, highly mineralized water.

Dr. Mark Sircus, author of Sodium Barcarbonate Nature's Unique First Aid Remedy, recommends dissolving a level teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda in a tumbler of cool water (at least 8 oz.) and drinking it one to two hours after meals. For a tonic form, about one-quarter teaspoonful before meals.

And, Dr. Mark Rosenberg, a cancer specialist who specializes in killing cancer stem cells, says he takes a tablespoon every morning to make his body as alkaline as possible to fend off possible cancer. He also says, "In my practice, I treat primarily advanced stages of all cancers. And I put my advanced-stage patients all on baking soda."

Why cancer? Cancerous tumors burn glucose and increase lactic-acid levels greatly. Growing tumors pump out acid rapidly, creating the highly acidic environment. In which cancer cells grow faster and metastasize to other organs and tissues throughout the body.

Baking soda has been found to help detect tumors by identifying the acidic environment around them, and baking soda also reduces tumor growth and prevents metastasis without adversely altering blood or unaffected tissue pH.

Reversing acidity

As neutralizing alkaline reserves are depleted, the liver becomes increasingly congested and is unable to detoxify. Remember that the body’s ways of getting rid of acids are processes like urinating, breathing and sweating. You need your organs healthy in order to remove acid. When extracellular and intracellular fluids lose their alkalinity it causes serious acidosis leading to complicated health problems.

An occasional infrared sauna and sweating through physical exertion are always recommended for lowering acidity.

For an alkaline diet we must consume whole, nutrient-rich foods, mostly from raw, living sources. When you eat more than 50 percent raw foods, you can stop the inflammation triggered by processed, refined or even cooked or baked foods.

Here are seven of the most alkalizing foods you can eat.

Our diet should be 80 percent vegetables (organic) with only 20 percent meats (preferably free-range and not exposed to GMOs or antibiotics). Avoid anything processed, which creates acidity in the body. Acidity leads to disease.

A word of warning! The pH of general body acid should be slightly alkaline in a range of 7.3 to 7.7. But the stomach acid is very different. It has to be very acid for health, ranging from 3.5 to 4.5 pH. High stomach acid is needed for proper food digestion. Never, ever take antacids of any kind regardless of TV advertising. If you have "acid indigestion" take Betaine Hydrochloride.

Please keep in mind that only eating an alkaline diet will not offset the many factors that cause DNA breaks and thus cancer in the body, those being chemicals in the environment, overexposure to UV rays, radiation, free radical damage and so on.

However as I mentioned higher alkalization means more oxygen and that equals powerful cancer suppression. If we are too acid, we are sick. If we get totally acid, we are dead. It can't be any simpler than this.

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