Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The most powerful activity for keeping your brain young

The most powerful activity
for keeping your brain young

It's no surprise that the economy is the greatest concern to millennials.
If you haven't been dancing lately, you could be missing out on more than just fun. You could be missing out on the most powerful activity for keeping your brain healthy and combating aging.
Science has proven that older people who routinely partake in physical exercise can reverse the signs of aging in the brain. All exercise helps, but dancing produced the most profound effects.
From ballroom to salsa, hip-hop to ballet, you're sure to find a number of styles of dancing that keep you smiling. To keep your brain learning and adapting, be sure to vary your routines and try something new regularly. You can find dance classes at your local college, join a dance exercise program at your gym or even just put on a YouTube video and follow along at home. The choice is yours.
The key is to work consistently to keep your brain active and young.
Other ways to optimize your brain health and improve your memory include:
• Add PS — Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a nutrient that is the key building block for billions of cells in your brain. It acts like brain food. Adding a high quality phosphatidylserine supplement to your daily routine can give your brain exactly what it needs to function optimally. You can find one I like is here.
• Get more omega-3s — The omega-3s found in fish oil are associated with better brain function so be sure to get more in your daily diet. My favorite omega-3 supplement is Peak Krill Oil.
• Reduce stress — Stress raises the amount of cortisol in your body, which damages the nerve cells in your brain. Get brain-healthy by managing your stress through regular exercise and healthy habits like meditation, massage and deep breathing.

• Get enough rest — Like the rest of your body, your brain needs high-quality sleep each night in order to function at its best. Be sure to get at least eight to nine hours each night to give it time to rest and repair.

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