Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Victims of the state

From Personal Liberty

Victims of the state

When the state provides your health care it alone decides if you live or die. Such a situation is now playing out in a British hospital where a 23-month-old boy continues to fight to live despite court-imposed death sentence and court-enforced torture.

Alfie Evans suffers from a degenerative condition that is destroying his brain. The socialized British medical system has decreed that Alfie has no chance of recovery and therefore should be murdered post-haste, so the courts ordered that his life support be ended. 

Doctors thought that would be end of it. But despite having his ventilator removed on Monday, Alfie continues at this writing to breath on his own. For six hours after the hospital tried to suffocate him, Alfie was denied water. He was finally provided hydration, but now the state works to starve him to death. He has been without nourishment since Monday.

Murder is government policy. Whether it's the murder of the soon-to-be-born, the murder of children by withholding medical care or in government-approved euthanasia of the terminally ill or disabled, governments support murder. And the people are coming to accept it as normal… and not just normal, but "compassionate."

Alfie's parents have arranged to have him transferred to a hospital in Italy for experimental treatment – at no expense to the UK government. But British courts have denied them the opportunity. The courts won't even allow Alfie's parents to take him home to die in their care. No, Alfie must die as the courts have sanctioned. When government is god – as in a socialist system – it holds the power over life and death.

This is playing out much the way the Charlie Gard case did last summer. Although he never committed a crime, little Charlie was sentenced to death by the death cult that is medical tyranny and the radical left.

After all, the courts have ruled it's for their own good.

Are we subtly being taught that death is desirable and even glorious? Will we finally frame death in notoriety and "service to our fellow man?"

The greatest reward of a death cult is to love death and translate and impute the love of death to the public mind. We must come to love "big brother" so much that we desire to die and sacrifice our children to the collective. 

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